One of my clients spends six figures every single month on Google Ads. We have to use website monitoring software to be certain that the site is online all of the time….
Don’t worry, this is not a typical Google Ads spend if that sum made you shudder, but the key thing to know is that because I manage this campaign for them, I know that it is very profitable. They wouldn’t keep doing it if it wasn’t putting a lot more money into their bank account than it was taking out.
Most of my clients spend around £1,000 to £3,000 per month.
Whatever amount you spend on Google Ads, or even if you don’t spend anything with Google Ads but generate a lot of organic visits to your website, if your website suddenly goes offline it can be very costly.
Imagine if my big spending client’s website went offline for a day and I let the Ads keep running – that would cost them at least £3,000 and it would generate no enquiries for them.
I wouldn’t be in their good books if that happened.
This is why I monitor their website functionality, and if their website goes down, I receive an email alert instantly, then another one when it goes back up.
Now all websites go down from time to time (although since I moved to the best WordPress hosting platform available mine hasn’t for a long time) so it is important that you know when yours does.
How do you do this?
With a fantastic free of charge tool that I want to share with you now.
Here it is:
Register for a free account and you will no longer worry that people are sent to your website only to discover that it isn’t working and you lose a potentially very valuable client (or many of them as would be the case with my big Google Ads spender).
Once you sign up, if you discover that your website goes down more than once or twice a month, it is probably time to upgrade your website hosting package. Let me know if you would like me to help with that as I provide hosting for around 30 websites at the moment.
All of them sit on the same platform that I use because I have tried and tested it; it works!
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