Mastermind Group Names can make or break the success of your Mastermind Group Launch, which is why it is worth giving them some proper consideration. This article is designed to help you to do just this.
If you have decided to start your own mastermind group, you now need to come up with some Mastermind Group Name Ideas. I know a lot about this, having helped many Mastermind Group owners to name their new mastermind groups.
Before diving into my Mastermind Group Naming Process, if you want to dive straight in and see what you need to do to launch your own Mastermind Group, simply click the button below to download my Mastermind Group Launch Process.
It explains everything that you need to know and do to launch AND run your Mastermind Group:
My Mastermind Group Names Naming Process (catchy title eh?)
One thing I know about naming any aspects of your service, from the strategy calls you offer clients to help them and discuss your services, to the name of your Mastermind Group, I know from experience that adding the benefit your clients will experience dramatically increase take up.
Whenever naming any aspects of your service, from the strategy calls you offer clients to help them and discuss your services, to the name of your Mastermind Group, I know from experience that adding the benefit your clients will experience dramatically increase take up.
I have always offered strategy calls for clients where I talk to them about the marketing that they are currently undertaking and to suggest what else they used to be.
Your Mastermind Group Launch Checklist. Click Here Now:>>I used to just say ‘Book a call with me’ and that worked, to a point.
However, I spent some time thinking about these calls, and being a marketing man, realised that there was an opportunity to improve the number of people that asked for one of these calls. I was keen to increase this number because ultimately, whilst these calls are never about selling but about serving, they do lead to sales in time. I realised that if I had more calls I would ultimately sell more of my services.
So, what should I call them?
‘Marketing strategy call’ was, of course, an option. After all, that is what it was.
However, I know that it is always the ‘benefits’ that sell any service. More importantly, if I could explain to the client in a very short but sharp way precisely what they would receive from attending the call with me, more people would request the call.
This led me to what it has now been called for some years:
The More Clients Now Call. I show people how to get more clients. Short, sharp and sweet.
Did it work? It led to an instant 300% take up on calls with me. Yes, 300%! By changing the name of the call to include the results that people would obtain from attending it, I had three times as many calls dropped into my diary.
Since this time, I have always been far more thoughtful about the names of all aspects of my services and free offerings.
I offer a Steady Stream Of New Clients Meeting in my offices. It costs £1,450 plus VAT for approximately two to three hours where I craft a bespoke marketing plan for my clients. It has a nigh on 100% take up by those who enquire about it. I know that the name is a big part of that because the name provides the holy grail that every service provider craves: a steady stream of new clients. I know this to be true because I ask them.
When I launched my first Mastermind Group, I successfully sold all 6 places at the first time of asking at a price of £500 per month (now £750 per month).
You might not think that it was a very expensive Mastermind Group; it wasn’t. However, what you should know is that the Mastermind Group was largely completed online with only a couple of physical attendance meetings so there were minimal costs to me and it took up a lot less of my time than a physical monthly Mastermind Group. Each session was only two hours.
I called the group The Fast Track To More Clients Programme. Once again, it did what it said on the tin and provided the solution that my clients were looking for.
Therefore, my strong advice for you is that you spend some time thinking about what the biggest benefit is that your clients will receive from attending your Mastermind Group, which is what you are going to do now!
In my Mastermind Group Success Blueprint training I share the precise formula for you to follow to come up with your own Mastermind Group Name which will make it as easy as possible for you to fill your Mastermind Group.
I show you how to access this training when you download the checklist below: