Digital Marketing Coach | Online Marketing Mentor | Marketing Consultant UK

Need A Digital Marketing Coach Or Mentor To Help You To Get Results Quickly?

Would you like to be shown precisely what you need to do by a specialist digital marketing coach?

Would you like your online marketing to produce more new clients at a lower cost and for you to be able to convert the enquiries that you receive from your digital marketing at a better percentage and at a better price?

Or would you like someone to show you how to start and scale your digital marketing consultancy business, showing you how to quickly grow from start up to six figures?

If so, I can help you.

Digital Marketing Coach & Consultant
Nick Jervis, Digital Marketing Coach & Consultant

My name is Nick Jervis, and whilst I used to be a solicitor, since 2003 I have been helping the owners of service based businesses to grow their businesses as quickly and efficiently as possible as a small business marketing consultant.

I personally manage an online Google Ads digital marketing spend in excess of £1.5 million per annum and I also consult for other clients on their digital marketing strategy when they run their own Google Ads accounts.

However, it isn’t just Google Ads though, it is whatever online marketing is needed to make their telephone ring and fill their client book to the brim. I mention Google Ads because it is one of the more effective forms of online marketing for all of my clients.

When it comes to my mentoring/consulting/coaching services I simply fast track my clients success so that their digital marketing spend becomes so very much more effective.

If the size of that annual marketing spend that I mention above puts you off, please don’t let it.

Some of my digital mentoring clients only spend a few thousand pounds a year because that is all they need to spend to produce as many clients as they want.

Some spend virtually nothing on their marketing but follow a content marketing system that I teach that brings their ideal clients to their door every month.

It is different for all of my clients.

That is one of the key points.

I see my job as getting you new clients for the lowest amount of marketing spend and effort possible.

Whether you need one or two new clients each month to make you very happy, or whether you need 100-200 new clients every month to keep your team busy, I can help you (as I already help clients to achieve each of these objectives).

Digital Marketing Coaching, Consulting Or Mentoring

What does digital marketing coaching, consulting or mentoring entail?

In short, whatever you need it to.

It can range from a scheduled monthly call online to review your current digital marketing activities, run through your key performance indicators and suggest improvements to ensure your continued growth, to a complete review of your overal digital marketing strategy or simply a one off video review of your current digital marketing.

I do not offer a one size fits all service because I find that none of my clients are exactly the same.

For example, a consultant who needs just one good enquiry a month needs a very different digital marketing strategy to, say, a large financial services company needing 200 pension enquiries every month.

I can help both of them but they do need different levels of support.

The good news is that there is no charge to you to find out how I can help you.

It all starts with a short call (free) where I will ask you questions about your ‘new client needs’ before suggesting what you need to be doing and how I can help you.

Aspects Of Digital Marketing Coaching And Consulting

Whilst my services vary depending on my client’s needs, digital marketing coaching can include all of any of the following:

  • Advice on your website to improve lead generation.
  • Advice on your Google Ads campaign.
  • How to start or how to improve your email marketing.
  • Search engine marketing – how to drive more visitors to your website at the precise moment in time that they are ready to engage your services.
  • Help you to make the most of your LinkedIn profile to drive qualified leads into your business.
  • LinkedIn Marketing
  • How to start or quickly grow your own digital marketing business.

These are just some of the digital marketing coaching elements that I help my clients with.

Can I help you too?

Simply click the button (little ;), isn’t it) below to discover more now:

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Why not get in touch today to discover more? Call me on 0117 290 8549 or complete a Free Online Enquiry.