How To Sell High Ticket Coaching?

How To Sell High Ticket CoachingRunning a coaching business and struggling to sell your coaching services? In this how to sell high ticket coaching article, I share with you the best way that I have found to sell any high ticket coaching, consulting or expert service.

It is the same one that I use to sell my high ticket consulting services, and I have mentored many other business owners to use the same method.

Let’s look at why selling high ticket coaching needs to follow a more considered process, then dive into what that process entails.

Why Is Selling High Ticket Coaching Different From Selling Other Services?

Whilst this is quite obvious, so many coaches come to me and are frustrated that they cannot sell their high ticket coaching services.

When I ask them how they are trying to sell those services, often they explain that they are selling them straight to facebook leads, or straight from instagram advertisements.

This will rarely work, if ever, for two main reasons:

  1. No one ever heads to any social media platform channel with ‘buyer intent’. They head their to browse images, look at friends photos, while away a few hours, but if they are searching for a coach, they are never going to start their search on social media.
  2. Selling a high ticket coaching service requires your prospect to already know, like and trust you. A cold lead simply cannot go from not knowing you to spending thousands on your top level coaching. That is simply never going to happen.

So, now that you know that, how are going to sell your high ticket coaching service?

Step 1 – Building Trust

When I launched my first mastermind group, every one of the members came from my email list, and every one of them had been on there for a number of months, if not years.

They had received an email from me at least once every week for all of that time, and by then understood my message, my methodology and trusted me to do what I said I was going to do for them – help them to grow their business.

A coaching service, because it is has a marketing DNA of NURTURE is all about growing that email list so that you can ‘nurture’ your prospects until they are ready to discover more about your services.

I have seen many coaches try and sell high ticket coaching without an email list and fail spectacularly.

Think about your own purchases in the last few months to help you with your business.

Look at each of them and see how long you had known the person selling you those services before you bought them.

Think about how they put themselves in a position of authority and trust with you. Was it a one off conversation or a series of emails over a number of weeks or months?

I am pretty sure you will find it is the latter, it always is!

So, if you do not yet have an email list and are not growing it month on month, that is your bare minimum starting point if you are serious about selling high ticket coaching.

Click the button below to discover how to do this if you are not yet doing so:

Free Training – Email Marketing Mastery – Click Here Now:>>

Now that you know about Step 1, if you already have an email list and are communicating with it, what is the all important Step 2?

Step 2 – Selling Your High Ticket Coaching

What is the best way to sell your high ticket coaching?

Is it:

  • Simply sending emails and asking people to sign up?
  • A video training series?
  • A live Q & A session?
  • Hot seats?
  • A webinar. Surely, it is a webinar isn’t it, everything else is?

In my experience, it is none of the above.

I have found the best way to sell any high ticket coaching, consulting or mentoring service is this:

  1. Send your bare minimum weekly email providing value around your topic of expertise;
  2. At the end of every one of your emails invite your reader to book a “Named Strategy Call” with you to answer their most pressing question or blockage stopping them from moving forwards.
  3. They click a link straight to your online diary, booking themselves in for you without any effort on your part;
  4. You set the scene for the call, explaining that you are going to find out where they are now and where they would like to be, you give them some pointers and naturally they ask if you can help them to get there.
  5. If they are a good fit for your offering, you softly explain your high ticket coaching service to them.

You will notice this call is all about SERVING THEM not hard selling to them.

A couple of points to cover off.

Your Named Strategy Call

Too many coaches simply say book a stratety call with me.

Who cares?

Why should I?

Who wants strategy?

What people really want is answers and results.

So ensure you name your call after the benefit of your expertise, or the outcome that they will achieve from your coaching services.

As a business growth consultant, my call oferring is a “More Clients Now” call.

I show my prospects easy wins for them to win new clients.

If they are a fit, I explain how I can help them further at the end of my call.

No hard selling, just hard serving.

Your Availability On Your Online Diary

The next point is really important, especially as you are selling a high ticket item.

To sell a high ticket item, you absolutely must be seen as an expert, someone at the top of their game.

Does an expert have availability every 15 minutes of every day for people to book into their diary?

Absolutely not, yet this is what I see time after time.

This is crazy, especially as all online diary booking systems have the ability to limit the number of appointments shown each day, week or month.

If you really want to sell your hight ticket items easily and consistently, you now have the process to do so.

Download my book below to see what else you need to be doing to grow a six figure and beyond coaching business:

How To get Coaching Clients Fast – Click Here To Download Instantly:>>